It's all about LOVE . . .

Friday, August 28, 2009

Ka'ena and Rev.Elias Parker

In the past couple weeks we have been in around the Waianae coast visiting family for evening prayers. I had ever so longed a hike with the family then Rev. Parker decided that today would be a good day for a new challenge.

As salty Ka'ena waters are bounty full of hawaiian sea salt, Rev.Parker gently scrapes the shorline rocks where the salty waves sit and rest under the heat of Ka'ena and crystalize to hawaiian sea salt.

Ka‘ena Point, the westernmost point on Oahu, is the
site of one of the last intact dune ecosystems in the main
Hawaiian Islands. Here beyond the end of the busy roads
of Oahu, is an area known since the ancient times as
leina a ka‘uhane, the “leaping place of souls,” where the
spirits of the recently dead could be reunited with their
ancestors. Today, you can walk there among the living;
Hawaiian plants and animals that have made the rugged
ancient shoreline their home for thousands of years.

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